"Be Queer, Buy Queer!" Campaign

OUTmedia and CampusPride announced on February 6, 2010:

"Be Queer, Buy Queer!" International Video Contest Win $10,000
"Be Queer, Buy Queer!"
International Video Contest

In partnership with Campus Pride, OUTmedia is seeking college students throughout the world to submit original videos on the theme, “Be Queer, Buy Queer!”


Slams, rants, stand up, sketch, music frenzy, spicy splicing are all welcome. We want you to speak boldly, and outrageously on the vision, expressed by OUTmedia’s Founder, Shelly Weiss, “care about where you spend your every dime, invest in the businesses that believe and invest in you. Build your queer vision of your future, with what and where you buy today!”

Submit your own video responding to concept of "Be Queer Buy Queer," with a friend, your LGBTQQIA campus group, or run wild with your entire campus community! Present in video form "What Does Be Queer Buy Queer Mean To You?"

PRIZE: One winner will receive $10,000 in OUTmedia entertainment* and the opportunity to host the First Annual OUTmedia Queer Campus CultureFest! at their university --hosted by Kit Yan and being developed for TV airing.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Submissions will be accepted through April 15, 2010, voting from April 16-29, 2010 -- and the winner announced at the culmination of Diversity Month on April 30, 2010.

Emily Wunderlich of University of Wisconsin- La Crosse wins the "Be Queer, Buy Queer!" International Video Contest
